OKNOPLAST was included in the prestigious ranking of socially conscious Polish companies prepared by ‘Rzeczpospolita’ daily. OKNOPLAST’s high rank is confirmation of our company’s numerous CSR activities – from promoting the idea of sustainable development in cooperation with The Bridge Foundation, through supporting environmentally friendly and innovative residential developments in the “Mieszkamy na Odrze” (We Live on the Oder) project, to helping the youth by working with the NGO SIEMACHA.
OKNOPLAST ranked 21st among Polish companies who make the most substantial contributions to charity, according to Rzeczpospolita. According to the poll conducted by ARC Rynek i Opinia and cited by Rzeczpospolita, supporting Polish charity campaigns that help solve serious social issues is considered an act of patriotism by 22% of respondents.
“It is pretty obvious to us – if we can help, we do it. That is why OKNOPLAST has supported social initiatives since its very beginning. We have been working with the NGO SIEMACHA for many years, and now we are joined by The Bridge Foundation and the “Mieszkamy na Odrze” (We Live on the Oder) initiative. We support education, sustainable development, and innovative social and industry-specific trends. We also participate in a number of smaller social and charity initiatives and campaigns,” says Mikołaj Placek, Chairman of OKNOPLAST.
Corporate Social Responsibility according to OKNOPLAST
OKNOPLAST is particularly focused on helping those in most dire need, especially children. One of the organisations supported by OKNOPLAST is the NGO SIEMACHA. It is one of the largest social organisations in Poland, and has been helping children and youth in need by supporting their development.
OKNOPLAST Group is also the strategic partner of The Bridge Foundation project on sustainable community development, named “Education is a Window to the World”. It is an international educational project aimed at bringing global phenomena and challenges to young people: environmental, social and cultural, to facilitate the understanding of their impact on Poland. The project integrates the whole school community: students, teachers and parents. The project is realised after classes and is based on three main pillars: screenings of documentaries, presentations by experts, and practical modules developing the skills of critical thinking, planning and efficient decision making.
“Mieszkamy na Odrze” (We Live on the Oder) is a new project that OKNOPLAST has joined recently. Thanks to the initiative of a couple of resourceful social activists, Szczecin will see its very first floating house on the Oder. The house, which will be fitted with OKNOPLAST windows and is financially backed by our company, will become an important landmark on the cultural map of Szczecin.
“The OKNOPLAST brand is growing dynamically, enabling us to participate in important social initiatives. This is most certainly not our last word on the matter,” states Mikołaj Placek, Chairman of OKNOPLAST.
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